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    Realself Top 100 Castle Connolly Top Doc 2015

    Obagi Blue Peel® Newport Beach

    The Obagi Blue Peel® is a professional chemical peel treatment. If you want healthier, younger-looking skin, the Blue Peel is highly effective for:

    • wrinkles
    • uneven pigmentation
    • tightening
    • sun damage
    • blemishes
    • acne scars

    Contact our office for more details: (949) 203-3812. Talk to Pamela, our medical aesthetician, about whether the Blue Peel is right for you.

    The Obagi Blue Peel® is an in-office procedure designed to significantly improve the appearance and health of your skin. Using a low ‘concentration of the chemical trichloroacetic acid (TCA) mixed with a special blue base to slow penetration, the Obagi Blue Peel® allows our medical aesthetician to monitor the appropriate depth to effectively remove the thin surface layers of aged and damaged skin from the face or other parts of the body. These dead skin cells are replaced by healthier ones, allowing the skin’s own clarity and tightness to resurface. The procedure is performed by our medical aesthetician, who has specialized training and experience with this effective peel.

    What is unique about the Obagi Blue Peel®?

    Unlike alpha-hydroxy peels, the Obagi Blue Peel® allows our medical aesthetician to control the depth of the peel and the number of coats applied in order to tailor the process to your skin’s specific needs. The Obagi Blue Peel® can even be performed on the neck, chest, back, hands, arms, and legs.

    What does the procedure consist of?

    Application of the Obagi Blue Peel® takes about 20 minutes, depending on the number of coats Pamela has determined are necessary to achieve your goals. Immediately after the procedure, a bluish tint remains on your skin until it peels off (within 7-10 days). Pamela can explain the process to you in greater detail.

    Follow-up appointments are included as part of our office’s package.

    How will my skin look after recovery?

    When your skin has completely finished peeling, you will immediately notice the dramatic results of your newly improved Complexion. Your skin’s appearance will continue to improve for the next 4 to 6 Weeks, becoming firmer, clearer, smoother, healthier and more youthful looking.

    Can the Obagi Blue Peel® be combined with other procedures?

    Yes, the Blue Peel is often used to enhance the results of surgery.

    Our medical aesthetician is trained to combine the Obagi Blue Peel® with many other procedures you may be interested in. This can be very effective in achieving even more dramatic results in the same time period. Ask our experts about the possible combinations that may be best for your skin.


    Vibrant, Glowing Skin After The New Radiant Chemical Peel – Pacific Center for Plastic Surgery

    Dr. Jed Horowitz Has Obagi Blue Chemical Peel Day 1 & 2

    Dr. Jed Horowitz Has Obagi Blue Chemical Peel Day 3


    RealSelf Patient Reviews of Jed H. Horowitz, MD, FACS
